Saturday, July 10

the new me - IIUM student

selepas sesi taa'ruf...officially, c'chemp telah menjadi sebahagian daripada warga IIUM - mahasisiwi!! selepas berbai'ah dihadapan senat bersama dengan rakan-rakan seangkatan yang lain, terasa ada suatu aura dalam diri c'chemp...rasa sangat teruja dan dalam masa yang sama berasa risau sebab sekarang tanggungjawab c'chemp sangat besar...memikul amanah dan harapan dari keluarga serta mereka-mereka yang berkenaan...walaupun sekarang ni keadaan sangat messy kerana banyak benda yang perlu diselesaikan, tapi keterujaan tu tetap ada untuk memulakan kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar universiti, much more as the International Islamic University's student...

well, ta'aruf week selama almost 4days sangat memenatkan...apapun, orang normal mana yang suka minggu orientasi kan?? hahaha... but, what can we do... as new students, that's the first thing that we have to's a must!! kalau skip - makanya, "you have to re-ta'aruf. i don't care. as simple as that!" <--- ini adalah tagline terbaru semasa minggu ta'aruf oleh senior kami... kalau ada yang tak kena, balik-balik re-ta'aruf..tensen kami!

overall, our batch is 2300++ tapi c'chemp macam rasa sikit je amount tu coz ikut mata ni macam lebih lagi...ntah!! sangat seronok sebab dapat jumpa semula kawan-kawan CENFOS selepas 'break-up' 5bulan... also, love to have new friends from direct intake (non-CENFOS) and the foreigners!! fortunately, roomates c'chemp adalah dari kalangan mereka yang pernah sekelas dengan c'chemp masa di CENFOS, so tak lah terkedu bila dengan unknown people....

belief me if i said that you will LOST in the IIUM in just a minute!!!! seriously c'chemp tak merepek...c'chemp sendiri sesat dalam IIUM dan terpaksa merayau berpandukan map provided almost 30minutes!!! nasib baik at last c'chemp jumpa jalan pulang dan kalau tidak - bermalam lah c'chemp disitu... sob3x...

bagi c'chemp laa kan, sesi ta'aruf kali ni yang paling teruk sebab kami semua tidak dibenarkan balik ke mahallah (hostel) untuk rehat/mandi/salin baju sehingga semua slot untuk respective day tu dah habis...means kami wajib bangun on 4.30am and pulang semula ke mahallah on 12.15am...kalau ikutkan ada 4jam untuk tido tapi actually 2jam je sebab balik-balik tu nak mandi and solat isya'.. memang masak kitorang ni... huhuhu...

about the food - ahha! no much complains on that...everything was fine, tip-tOp! the time management - hmmm...thumbs-down sebab selalu je terlajak masa tapi itu normal la kan sebab 200committees had to handle 2300++ students...pengsan kot! apapun, janji kami tak kena 'ragging'...

now, the best part during the ta'aruf... the BAI'AH session... all the new students have to bai'ah or taking oath so that we can be the IIUM students officially... during the rehearsals, kitorang semua macam main-main je, but on the day we all did a very good job...and we get the compliment from the committes... *wink3x* besides, really love the IIUM song - our song... setiap masa lagu tu terngiang-ngiang di telinga c'chemp... saying the bai'ah infront of all the senates really make me realized that i'm very lucky to be a part of IIUM... i believe, not i'm the only one who feels like that;all of us do...

4years - i'll try my best to get my scroll within that years... although people always said that being in IIUM is tough, i'll prove them wrong... my destiny is here eventough i once do not want to study here... get to make myself better that the old mine in every aspects - as i believe IIUM can lead me to that way!


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