Saturday, October 31

hidup ini tidak seindah cte novel

i'm watching a chinese movie just now.. it was about a woman named Bingo who suffered the breast cancer illness.. she pretending to be tough when the doctor claimed her sickness.. she tried to commit suicide twice! but fortunately, she cancel them... then, came a doctor, he try his best to cheer Bingo to face her problem and to have a surgery... at last, Bingo realized that she can make a different by being positive on her sickness and having the surgery.. what a brave action she took, and later she had a very happy life..

well, itu a short summarize on the movie i'd watched... while c'chemp ngah nengok cte tu, my mom raise an issue about something that make my mind to think for a while.. my mom tanya:
" kak, pernah tak berangan ke teringin ke when u duduk kat canteen ke cafe ke.... a guy reach u, then say 'hi'??"

urrmmmmm...teeeeeetttttTTT!!! umi2x.. ngape la tetibe tanya akak camtu..
haih, terpengaruh ngan cte cina td tu la an!! hahahaha..

to be frank, i do berangan to have such situation in my life..
* there is a guy, secretly admire me.. always be whenever i be... one day, that guy approaches me, and hulurkan tangan and say hi.. boleh kte jadi kawan?? since than, we be a friend and so on..*

wow, such a sweet dream an?? heee.. tapi itu sume tak terjadi kepada semua manusia kat dunia..
if ade pon, it just about 1:1000 kot...
tapi, sape yg pernah ade kes mcm ni, u r such a lucky person!!!

yela, selalunye, kite hanya akan perasan situasi mcm ni ble kte baca novel2 cinta... the unexpected incident, kekalutan dlm relation, antara 2 darjat, lastly is whether happy or unhappy ending.....
sume yg tertulis kat dlm novel tu kte akan suke, kite akan admire dan akhirnya kte akan letak diri kte sebagai watak didalam novel tu...

realiti vs imaginasi.. mana satu yg kte nak pilih.. mungkin kite boleh pilih utk jdkan jalan cerita dlm novel or any movie as our life.. tapi ble pikir balik, kite ni hidup dlm dunia yg realiti... xmungkin kte boleh create our life to be 100% as what happen in the novels...

ade org yg lifestyle nye seems so perfect on our eyes an.... kekadang tu jeles jer nengok kan, tp kite simpan jer diam2.. dgn harapan hidup kite juga akan se-perfect org lain.. tapi let it be, maybe ade hidden miracle in our life yg lagi better dr org tu..

keep on sedar kan diri kte jgn too eager, jgn too tamak dlm hidup ni..
dan jgn too memilih dlm apapepun!
always bersyukur.. always ingat nak wat baik...
always menjadi seorng yg tidak membebankan org lain...



Thursday, October 29

aiyOOOOO!! no class again!!!

hari ni hari khamis... dengan berkObar-kErbau nya hari ni c'chemp nak pi kelas yg kul 2ptg td... kelas cOmp! kelas ni jela yg ade utk c'chemp hadirkan diri pada hari ni...

akan tetapi (huh, keretapi betOl).. tiba2 masa on the way ke lab comp td, c'chemp got 1 col from my dearest fren, named Azani... haaa, pehal la pl nih??? c'chemp berkata-kata..hehehe to summarize, azani col tu utk bgtaw c'chemp yg kelas cOmp is cancelled!!!

diulangi ye, CANCEL!
sebut betul2x, CANCEL!

what?????????? jeng3x... rs cam nak pengsan time tu juga... kenape????? haaa, sebabnye... buat penat je c'chemp mengOtOrkan baju..dengan berjalan lagi ke lab comp tu, jauh taw... huh, sreheh!!!

so, dengan penuh kehangatan nye, c'chemp kembali la semula ke 'kOndO' c'chemp yg dirindui -KC320- balik2 je dh kene sergah ngan rum8 c'chemp yg berdua tu.. kata mereka, "hah, ni sape yg xde kelas ni...aik, shaz ker....isyh3x" lalu, c'chemp menjawab, "haah, akulaaa =( "

begitula ceritanye kite hari ni... kan senang kalu pihak U kata je, minggu ni xde kelas lagi... xpayah la nyusahkan bebudak ni haaa.. dah pi kelas, pastu tengOk2 kelas ghupenye cancel.. kesedihan jer, =p kui3x....

anyway, its time tO slap!! taw ape tu slap?? slap tu tidO!!! wawawaw~~


Tuesday, October 27

battle of the U.N.O

anda semue tau ape itu UNO??? its not the United Nation Organization.. UNO ni xde kene mengena ngan politik ok.. clear ya'll mind plzzz.... hehehehe.. UNO is a game, yg melibatkan card berwarna-warni dan bernombor 0-9, dan ade action cards juge... ape motif c'chemp post entry pasal UNO nih??? haaa, mehh bc mehh, nak cte....

KC320, 9.00 malam, 26 Oct 2009...

resident bilik ni terdiri drpd 4 org, iaitu Melati, Anggerik, Chempaka & Dahlia.. hari ni mereke semua telah memulakan sem baru mereka dengan battle yg berlangsung selama 3jam berturut-turut.. battle ni dinamakan, Battle of UNO....

selalunye, Chempaka yg dpt no1, tp ntah ngape aura dia xmai pl malam ni... melayang ke mana ntah!!! disebabkan itu, makanya Chempaka ini dpt no yg last sekali masa 1st round... yg dpt no1 is Dahlia... uihh, memang riuh r bilik 320 nih ngan perang suara mereka ber4...

maka, nak dijadikan cte, tb2 dlm round bape ntah.. Anggerik dpt no1... Dahlia, Melati & Chempaka amatlaaa terkeZuttt... makanya juga, mereka ber3 telah membuat satu pakatan, bukan pakatan rakyat/PK tp pakatan utk buat Anggerik ni dpt no4.. hahahaha... sungguh kejam mereka2 ini ye...

di pengakhirannya, round 9.. komplot tersebut tidak juga menjadi kerana Anggerik dpt no3.... sape yg dpt no4???? teka2x.... Dahlia?? Melati?? Chempaka??? yaaaa, betOOLL!! Chempaka laaa yg dpt no4, huhuhuhu...

setelah selesai, markah dihitung dan juara utk hari ni is Anggerik... rekOOOd seyh!!! ahakssss... maybe, esok ade sambungan utk battle ni lagi... kte tunggu je laaa ye... tapi, moral of the story is.. jgn ade niat nak wat dengki kat org ye... not gud tu.... dan kpd Chempaka, semoga aura kamu dtg pd esok hari.. e2pun, kalau dia nak mai r.. ngeh3x...

sekian, selamat malam! =p


Monday, October 26

here it comes, the last new sem

well3x... telah tiba jua akhirnye... sem baru, core corse baru, syllabus pon baru.. dan xlupe juga lecturer yg baru... hahaha, tp rsnye, c'chemp nye classmates semua seghupe je ngan sem2 yg lepas kot... heee.... anyway, at last my final sem dah pon tiba.. ma makna?? maknenye, pas sem ni c'chemp dh grad!!! yeaaa2x dah grad (sila bc ikut intonasi upin&ipin ye)... tp an grad foundation je laaa..hahahha

ahhh, xkisah laa, coz dpt la juga c'chemp grad utk foundation ni an.. pasni nak merasa la pl jd mahasiswi U yg betol2.. ngeh3x, aminnnnnn!!! juga, dlm rasa keterujaan ni, ade juga rasa seremmmmm, haa kenape??? [rum8 320-jwpn nye bukan "haa, yg ni yg kte xtau nih" taw2 =p] ini adalah kerana, sub-jek yg c'chemp amik sem ni sangat yg amat laaa mantOOOp! math4, phy3, chem lab2, phy lab2, btQ lagi... uisssyyy, mantap2...

apapun, marilah kite mengharungi sem baru ni dgn jayanye n suka-suki nye!!

*new sem, here I come bebeh!!*

p/s: c'chemp ingin mengucapkan tahniah kpd diri c'chemp sendiri coz pd exam sem lepas telah berjaya dengan jayanye, hehehe... tahniah3x..


Monday, October 19

if we r gud wif someone, do we be like 'em??

with regard to my entry title above, i just wondering how can that Qs can appear in one's mind??? for the whole of my life, i've never expected that Qs will be ME!!! i'm quiet shocked for sure...oppss, not really 'quite shocked' but greatly shocked!!

last night, someone called me.. i thought it was my heart, but it was someone that i not completely known.. he used to be my bf's boyfren, he is D.. so, i dont know how to assumed my relationship wif we can be considered as fren??? urmm, maybe laaa....

so, back to the story.. D called me last nite and we had a long conversation on many topics... then, at one time, he asked me about his ex, A... i told him that she was fine as we had seen each other during last weekends.. then, D flashed back on his love story and how they can break off so sudden.. i just heard on what he'd bebelkan.. blaa..blaaa...blaa...

somehow, at one stage he'd said something that i really2 cant take it!!!

D : is it A a social gurl??
Me : yeah, she always going out.. she have a lot of frens, so no wonder if she always out, isnt she??
D : after we clashed, she had many scandals rite??
Me: i dont know that, all iknow is that she have many frens..
D : ok2, she loves to enjoy n a social gurl
Me : what u mean by that??
D : urm, nothing..
Me : ok then..
D : so, u is her bestfren... well, i suppose, u also same as her - a socialize gurl!! do u?


i felt like i've been shot, am i dead?? hahahaha... oh gosh, who he think of himself!! i really hate that!! oh man, i know u r a soldier, but u dont have the rite or deserve to judge me like that!!

damn!! sorry to say that, but as long as i know we had never met, even ONCE!! we had only a phone conversation before this... i dont really know who r u... and thanks, i dont need what the words that u had describe me as SOCIAL and such things... i just accept those criticizes from one who close to me...

by the way...u said that u r in major battle rite now, n u might die one day for the sake of ur job.. for that, wif fully of my heart, i forgive u for all things that u've done, not only for last nite, but also before this... this is the second time u hurt me wif ur words.. its ok for me... coz i know, the first time u had, u felt guilty to me until today, am i rite???

to D, i wish u gudluck in ur battle.. do take care of urself out there...