Saturday, July 18


finally, here I am!!
so glad to have a site HERE..
nanti org kata kite xup-to-date la pl ye..
(=p) ahakkssss...
anyway, as a NEW COMERS hopefully i can make fUll usE of this site..

for the 1st time evA,
let me bEgin kan CHEMPAKA's SCRIPTURES ini bOut myseLf ek...

ehemmmmm, ehemmmmm...
testing, testing 1..2..3..


  • Nur Shazleena bt Shakri
  • female (of course laaa)
  • 6th February 1990 (next year 20 dahhhh!!!)
  • currently study at CFSIIUM
  • taking Foundation in Engineering
  • room number _2_ (secret meehh)
  • available

haaa, itu la serba sikit pasal c'chemp ye...

now, we move to next sessiOn yakni bout c'chemp nye family ek..
jOm, chEck thIs OUT!!

  • i was born in a Loving family
  • consisting of 5 members; ayah, umi, c'chemp sendiri, ika & syahmi
  • we are very clOse with One aNOther

en.shakri othman & c'chemp

my dad ni asainya oghang MELAKA...
tp tiap kali jumpe neW people and asked hIm where he comes from, he always said that "Owh, I org KL!"...
oowwhh, ayah...

xkuasa akak nak dengar nye taw....
org KL kunun..
ayah c'chemp ni strict juga tapi kekadang jer
satu yg best nye, if c'chemp xdpt balik rumah during weekends an
ayah akan col and berkata-kata...
" kak, balik xminggu ni??" then i said, "xbalik kot ayah, y??" "xbalik ke?? baru nak kuar minggu ni.." uisy ayah, dan2 kata nak kuar..
kata je la u miss me!

pn.tina sa'at & c'chemp

c'chemp panggil pn.tina as Umi (sekali arab d
my umi ni very the sweet, very the kindhearted person
BUT, dia lagi strict than my ayah...
betOl xtipu punya...
if u guys perasan,
c'chemp nye facial same as my Umi, kan2??
my Umi nye GEne sangat dominant to me la kot...
furthermore, we both are same kpala punya...
anything that c'chemp pikir, she will talk the same thing...
so amazing!!!

pesan umi to me: "dOnt argUe with ur sis, onlY she U hAve wheN umi & ayah are gOne."

nurshafiQah shakri

haaa, ini ialah my 'capika-capikot, makan biskut'!!!
y?? ntahnye, ayat tu Umi yg bagi kat ika...
gagagagaga~~~ bukan rekaan c'chemp ok!
dak pika ni skrg at MRSM Q-tan, f5 (taking SPM this year)
she is clever than me!!

so jealOus, UPSR=5A PMR=8A
so sensitive, sukE nangis, suke MAKan, always kene marah
(ngan me la fOr surE!)
apapun, c'chemp tau yg shE lOves mE... =)

amirul syahmi shakri

my sweetHeart, my onLy oNe litTle bRo..
he is now 7 months
beza age thee and c'chemp is 18 years!!!
always like to bully me when c'chemp at home..
tapi ngan kak ika dia, huh! harapan nak buli..
my umi always said that just imagine myself when look at he because I was like him dulu2..
am I ke umi???
coMel je an...

therefore, takat ni je la utk 1st attemp c'chemp..
payah juga ek nak nulis blog nie..
xpesss, I will learn it until I can't la ye..

caw sin chan~~~


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